Digital Investors


Joe Burrill Shares How To Sell Your Website On Flippa For Maximum Profit

Joe Burrill went from working as a 9-5 government employee to becoming a successful website investor turned website broker helping people all over the world buy and sell websites on Flippa.

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Joe Burrill went from working as a 9-5 government employee to becoming a successful website investor turned website broker helping people all over the world buy and sell websites on Flippa. In fact, one of the websites Joe brokered sold for 58x the website’s monthly profit.
Joe got so good at helping people buy and sell websites for crazy multiples while delivering an amazing experience, Flippa rated him as The Top Website Broker of 2020 and 2021.
Today, Joe is going to talk about some of the strategies he used to sell websites for top dollar on Flippa, including how you can sell your website on Flippa for the maximum profit.

Today, You Will Learn

  • Why small content sites are a hot part of the marketplace
  • How Joe’s success came from learning how to buy, renovate and sell websites himself
  • How to maximise your website profits and prepare for a future sale
  • How can you achieve a higher sale price when selling a website
  • How to make it a no-brainer for the buyer to pay top dollar for your website
  • How using a website broker will help you to increase your profit potential when selling a website
  • How Joe used flipping websites to create his laptop lifestyle and quit his job within 3 years

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About Your Host's - Matt and Liz Raad

We are the founders of the Digital Investors Podcast, and eBusiness Institute, an online education and training organization that provides digital courses to help everyday people develop the practical skills they need to future-proof their income. 

Since 2010, we have taught online beginners all over the world our practical system of reaching $10,000/month working from home with semi-passive income websites.

Our goal with the Digital Investors podcast is to teach you how you can increase your income and grow your wealth by acquiring websites and online businesses.

For more details on our 3-step strategy, register for our free masterclass.